At the beginning of Hereditary we can see a close up of one of the miniature houses Annie made. It seems like a miniature of their own house and it has an incredible amount of details.
After the camera closes in on one of the rooms, the door suddenly opens and a real person comes inside. It turns out that it was Steve, Annie's husband, and their real room looks indistinguishable from the miniature version.
The film cleverly uses this technique several times to confuse and scare the audience.
However, there is a main reason why the movie represents the family as miniature figures.
According to the director himself, he wanted to showcase that the Graham family doesn't have any control over their fate, just like the dolls in the miniature house.
I don't really believe that we cannot change our fate, but there are certain things outside of our control.
For example, we cannot choose our own family, or in which country we want to be born.
In Hereditary we can see how much bad influence your family line can have over you and that can be indeed a very scary thing. I think that we should try to do the best with what we were given, but the fear of having no control over your fate is definitely an interesting theme for a horror movie.
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