Captain Marvel is the last movie before Avengers Endgame and it introduces us to the backstory of the character. It is set in the '90s, where we can see Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel's real name, team up with a young Nick Fury to stop a war between the Kree and the Skrulls.
I was looking forward to finally see more female superheroes getting their own movie, but Captain Marvel was super disappointing on all levels. You would expect a certain quality from marvel movies, but even from a technical standpoint the visuals here looked more like an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. than a feature film. There was a complete lack of style and it just felt totally bland.
The story was just as boring and predictable. There was the usual twist and everything happened as you would expect, without any surprises or exciting scenes. There wasn't even a real villain, at least none that would be even mildly threatening to Captain Marvel.
We've learned time and time again that superhero movies without a captivating Villain are just not very interesting. Movies like The Dark Knight, Spider Man 2, or recently Avengers Infinity War are so great because we can't see enough of their villains. They pose a real threat and we get to learn more about their motivations, they are not just a plot device.
On the other hand, the hero of the story should have some kind of arc. We want to see how they overcome their fears and grow as a person, take on responsibility. Captain Marvel is so powerful from the start that she doesn't have anything to worry about and she effortlessly learns all kinds of other powers, whenever the situation demands it. There is absolutely no thrill here.
I do have to say that the CGI on Samuel L. Jackson's face wasn't very noticeable and he was charming as ever. I'm not so sure about Brie Larson though, just like this movie, there is just nothing interesting or unique about her. Maybe she could have done better if there was more of an edge to the story, I guess you can't really do much with this kind of screenplay. I haven't seen Endgame yet, but I don't think she will be very different there.
Another thing that really bothered me was what they did with the cat in this movie. It felt really unnecessary and unbelievable. Especially what it did to Samuel L. Jackson destroyed the credibility of his character as well, all of that just for a stupid joke.
All in all, this one was really a big failure for Marvel and I hope they will be able to make a good female superhero movie soon, DC clearly has the upper hand on this one. I'm not sure why they didn't make a Black Widow movie sooner, a Scarlet Witch movie would be interesting as well.
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