Logan Movie Review - What if Superheroes get old?

-Spoiler Review-
Do Superheroes get old too?
Superhero movies can be fun and entertaining, but often the heroes don't have to face any of the problems that normal human beings are struggling with everyday and everything they do seems so easy and most of the time impossible for people like us. But what if superheroes get old too? That is something anybody can relate to.

In Logan Wolverine is literally old and tired, you can see that he went through much and endured more than most people can imagine, the scars of the past are written all over his face. He's working as a limo driver in Texas, while taking care of Professor Xavier, who is suffering from some kind of brain disease. He's barely making the money to buy the medicine, that Charles desperately needs and as a mysterious girl shows up and asks him to take her to a place called "Eden" things start to get even more complicated...

Great performances
Hugh Jackman is fantastic again as Logan, he just simply is Wolverine, I cannot imagine any other actor in this role and I think among all the X-Men movies he gives his best performance here by far. There is something so real and down to earth about his character here. He's still the hot tempered, stubborn Wolverine in a way, but he's not invincible any longer and he has to face one thing that every single one of us has to deal with eventually, age and death.

Patrick Stewart was also mesmerizing as Charles Xavier and it was absolutely heartbreaking to see what the former leader of the X-Men has become. The moment he died was one of the saddest scenes in the movie and it was hard to believe that he is really gone now. Dafne Keen was also really impressive as X-23 and I think we will see more of her in the future. She had great chemistry with Hugh Jackman and there was something really heartwarming about their relationship.

A dramatic conclusion
Most of the movie is very dark and moody, but there are some funny scenes here and there to let you breath again between the more depressing scenes.

As you know, Wolverine is gone now and so is Professor Xavier. It was really tear inducing to finally see Logan find someone who is like him and understands him, and who is almost like a daughter to him, and then seeing him die shortly after, what a tragic life. I think when we see superheroes we kind of feel protected and like everything is going to be alright. That's the reason it is so much more shocking when we see superheroes die like that, if even the strongest ones out there have to kneel down in front of the infinite flow of time and death, what about us normal people?

Bottom line
Logan is much more than just a superhero movie, it is an emotional drama about universal themes anybody can relate to and a perfect, though heartbreaking conclusion to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine character.

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